LJA has vast experience in energy-related fields – upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors of the oil and gas markets – along with wind and solar energy sectors. Upstream survey services include the staking of wells, pad sites, access roads, and pipeline routes from the well to collection or transmission sites. Other services include the research of surface ownership, oil and gas mineral ownership, and lease information. Midstream clients benefit enormously through our expertise in determining preliminary route feasibility and environmental impact surveys, establishment of project primary and secondary horizontal and vertical control, boundary and topographic surveys supporting design, construction staking, and post-construction as-builts. LJA provides plan and profile alignment sheets utilizing Blue sky software, along with easement plats and descriptions for acquisition of pipeline rights-of-way. For our downstream clients, services include boundary and topographic surveys supporting design and construction of new plant infrastructure and expansion projects. This may include ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys for conveyance transactions or capital improvement projects. Additionally, construction staking and layout services are provided for projects varying in size and scope that may include environmental remediation or monitoring of groundwater quality for regulatory permitting.
All energy sectors gain advantage through our expert utilization of Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment which provides the highest accuracy to enable field crews to work more efficiently, lowering the cost of surveys even in remote areas for our upstream clientele, and providing high accuracy locations and elevations for midstream and downstream needs. LJA is a member of ISNetworld, PICS, and Veriforce contractor pre-qualification screening and safety compliance assurance.
Oil/Gas Upstream
Oil/Gas Midstream
Oil/Gas Downstream
Wind Power
Solar Energy