

Freestone, Texas


240 Acre Tract

Responsiveness. Ability to respond rapidly with the requisite expertise is key to LJA’s commitment to providing quality services. This project was performed in the field, and all data was delivered within a quick 14-day turnaround to meet the client’s schedule.

A 240-acre facility topographic survey undertaken by LJA’s survey team utilized advanced UAS (unmanned aircraft systems) to quickly and accurately collect data on the expansive central Texas project. We began by establishing control and setting ground control points for the aerial flight. Field crews then collected approximately 30-percent coverage-to-ground truth all flight data. Once these two data sets were processed and combined, DSMs (digital surface models) and DTMs (digital terrain models) were created for the design team. Using orthomosaic photogrammetry, we provided accurate representations of the surface area. 3D laser ground surface scanning was also performed at locations identified by the client. These areas were processed and delivered in both 3D point cloud and LFM™ formats for the design team. Our expertise in these technologies provided the client with overlapping data that can be used in multiple software applications for project design and planning.

For more information regarding this project, please contact Jeremy Russell, RPLS at jrussell@lja.com.


Topographic Survey

3D Laser Scanning

Orthomosaic Photogrammetry